Monday 13 August 2012

Monday Magic

Hi Everyone

Hope you are and yours are well and happy. Having escaped the wild and windy weather Sydney town put on over the weekend some inspiration came my way. I have decided to write a post on a Monday- Monday Magic to brighten the start to everyone's week. Today the inspiration came from the simple but beautiful flower. 

Every Monday, with my two little ladies in tow, I drive past a garden with the most stunning cascade of orange flowers. It makes me smile and today with the sun shining, girls chatting away I could feel spring on the way. It was special. So I stopped and grabbed a picture or two. Here is my fave! 

Orange must be the colour of the day because as I stepped out the front door one of my all time favourite garden flowers is blooming! Lucky us!

Hope they brighten your day and the start to your week too.



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